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Your search for * has returned 100 entries
[ararut ɟo] noun arrowroot
Speaker: Dinesh
[baba ir ɖipilĩ, ɖipilaŋ] noun harvest season (lit., rice + harvest + time)
Speaker: Jitesh
[baba keto] verb winnow, throw in air (lit., rice, grain + winnow)
[baba paɽa] noun paddy plant
[baba siɲ] noun straw
Speaker: Manisha
[baba tan ge] adjective itchy
[babata] verb itch
[babata] noun scabies
[barabari] 1. adjective; 2. verb 1. similar, always, equal; 2. to be equal, like
[basa sai] noun camp, encampment
[beteʔ beteʔ] verb cut into small pieces
[bijuŋ bijuŋ] adjective dizzy
[burbuɽiʔ ] noun bubble
[cacaʔ] verb rip out
[cacaʔ] verb tear
[candu lekantan] noun menstrual period
Speaker: Subhash
[concoɽ] adjective restless, unsettled
[daʔ daʔ tijaʔ] noun liquid
[didi] noun vulture
[dje tata ko] noun ancestors
[dub̚ cũlocũlum] verb squat
[dub̚ cũnocũno] verb squat
[durdur] noun waterfall
[gangai] noun corn
[gangai] noun maize
[gititija kani, akaniʔ] verb be lying down
[golgol] verb turn bad (milk)
[goɽa baba canɖu] noun September – October
[gungu] noun wife of the younger brother of the father; younger sister of the mother
[holaholater] noun three days ago (day before day before yesterday)
[hopor hoporte] verb crawl
[horo cocoeʔ] noun wall lizard
[iʔiʔ] noun excrement
[kaka] noun father’s brother (paternal uncle)
Speaker: Mahipal
[kaka] noun younger brother of the father; husband of the younger sister of the mother
[kaka hon bo tijũ] noun elder male cousin
[kaka hon kowa] noun male cousin
[kaka hon kui] noun female cousin
[kaka hon onɖi kui] noun younger female cousin
[kakala] verb shout
Speaker: Pinchi
[kakaru] noun gourd
[kakaː rambaɖ] noun praying mantis
[karkaɖ̚] noun toothbrush
[kaɟi karar] verb promise
[kismis] noun raisin, currant
Speaker: Subhash,Dialect: from Hindi span>
[kokor] noun owl
[kukuru] adjective hollow (of a tree)
[kurkuren] verb offend
Speaker: Pradip
[laŋəɽa laŋəɽate] verb limp
[lele] noun bee
Speaker: Seleshtina
[lele daka] noun bee hive
[lele rasi] noun honey
[liʈib liʈib, ləʈib ləʈib] verb palpitate
[liʈib liʈib, ləʈip ləʈip] verb palpitate
[lolo] adjective hot
[mamaraŋ] adjective proud
[marmar] noun scorpion
[meɽemeɽe] verb spin
[meɽemeɽe bijur] verb turn around
[okonko] pronoun which (plural, animate)
[pampal] noun butterfly, moth
[pisir pisir gama] noun drizzle
[po poeda] noun semen
[popoʔɛdaː] noun semen
[rubu rubu doja] adjective hunch-backed
[ruku ruku] verb shiver
[rũ rũ, ru ru] verb buzz
[sasan diri] noun stone placed on ground over grave
[sasati] verb torment
[sasaŋ] noun turmeric
[sasaŋ] noun turmeric, a spice
[sasaŋ] noun yellow
[sisir daʔ] noun dew
[sisir daʔ, sisir daʔa] noun dew
[soso] 1. noun; 2. verb 1. marking-nut tree, Semecarpus anacardium; marking-nut oil; 2. to apply marking-nut oil
[surpaŋ, susurpaŋ] noun wasp
[susun] verb dance; make dance
[susun niʔ] noun dancer
[tata gungu ko] noun ancestors
[tataŋ] noun grandfather
[ugum ugum] verb feel unpleasantly warm, stifled
[ɖeɖem] noun sparrow
[ɟoɟo] noun tamarind
[ɟoɟo daru] noun tamarind tree
[ɟoɲ ɟoɲ] adjective pointed
[ɽaʈapaʈa] verb crunch
[ʈan ʈan saɽi] verb tinkle
[ʈuʈuka] noun wooden bell for cattle, cowbell